Alpha-4 He Elastic Scattering with halo Effective Field Theory at Low Energy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Arak University, Arak 8349-8-38156, Iran

2 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Ayatollah Boroujerdi University, Boroujerd, Iran


In the present work, we studied the α- 4He particle elastic scattering by measuring cross section with halo Effective Field Theory (hEFT) at low energies. In this article, we considered α- 4He elastic scattering in S-wave state at the very low energy. The α- 4He elastic scattering amplitude comprises the initial s-wave strong and Coulomb interaction at leading order. Because of the unnaturally large scattering length of the aαα, it is considered as a halo system. We defined the lagrangian of this system and then calculated the T-matrix for the scattering amplitude at leading order by using of the Feynman diagrams. Data of the α- 4He elastic scattering refer basically to the low energy extending to 0.29 MeV, the total cross section that with this approach has been calculated will be σ_t≃ 16:0226 mb. It was shown that, the presented strategy can be efficiently developed for the other halo nucleus.


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