Guide for Authors

Instruction for Authors

Iranian Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics (IJAA) peer reviewed international Journal devoted to the publication of original research papers from various field of astronomy and astrophysics. IJAA publishes quality original research papers, comprehensive review articles, short papers in astronomy and astrophysics and its applications in the broadest sense, including instrumentation, numerical methods, solar and stellar astrophysics, extragalactic and cosmological research. It aims to disseminate knowledge; provide a learned reference in the field; and establish channels of communication between academic and research experts. Papers should contain results of original research, neither previously published nor under consideration for publication elsewhere. Papers presented at conference which, are only abstracted in the conference proceeding are also welcomed. There are no page charges except color figures. Contribution is open to researchers of all nationalities. All articles indexed and abstracted in (ISC) /

Article Category List

Review Articles: (up to 25 template-based pages, including tables and figures) critically evaluate recent developments in a specific area of interest to the readership. They are normally invited; authors wishing to submit a review are requested to first contact chief editor.

Research Papers: (up to 30 template-based pages, including tables and figures) report original research which has not been previously published or submitted, and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. Papers are to be submitted to the Editor in Chief, who evaluates them with the aid of appropriate referees on the basis of scientific quality, originality, and general interest to the readership. The editor may also accept or reject inappropriate manuscripts without consulting referees.

Review Process

Reviewers screen the papers for originality and plagiarism. Then, reviewers examine the content of the paper and make recommendations on its suitability for publication.

Main Text

The manuscript should include Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction (opt.) Results and Discussion (opt.), Experimental (opt.), Acknowledgments (opt.), Conclusions (opt.) and References.

Abstract and Keyword

The abstract should briefly indicate the summary of results discussed in the paper. A list of 3-6 keywords must also be given in this page.

Manuscript Organization

For downloading the article template, please click HERE. The manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the journal website at

Manuscripts submitted to the journals must contain a “.zip file” which include the LaTeX manuscript, tables and figures.



IJAA uses the number reference system. In this system references are listed in numerical order as they appear in the text.

 For example the first reference is numbered [1] in the text and the second is numbered [2].

The references are listed in numerical order as they appear in the text in a bibliography at the end of your document.

 All the standard journal articles should be cited in the following style:

 Author's surname, authors first name initials., year of publication, Journal Name Abbreviation, Volume Number, first page number (or paper id)

 for example: 

[1] Lee, C. W., Myers, P. C., & Tafalla, M. 2001, ApJS, 136, 703

All the books should be cited in the following style:

Author's surname, authors first name initials., year of publication, the title of the book, and the publication information.

for example:

[2] Stahler, S. W., & Palla, F. 2004, The Formation of Stars, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim

All the PHD Thesis should be cited in the following style:

[3] Williams, B. G. 1992, PhD thesis, Univ. Edinburgh

The authors can use the following simplified abbreviations for the listed journals (from

Typeset as                                                    Full name of journal       

AJ                                                                  The Astronomical Journal

ApJ                                                                The Astrophysical Journal

ApJ                                                                The Astrophysical Journal, Letters

ApJ                                                                The Astrophysical Journal, Letters

ApJS                                                              The Astrophysical Journal, Supplement

ApJS                                                              The Astrophysical Journal, Supplement

A&A                                                                Astronomy & Astrophysics

ARA&A                                                           Annual Review of Astronomy & Astrophysics

A&A                                                                 Rev. Astronomy & Astrophysics Reviews

A&AS                                                               Astronomy & Astrophysics, Supplement

MNRAS                                                           Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

PASP                                                                Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific

Ap&SS                                                              Astrophysics & Space Science

PASJ                                                                 Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan

Nature                                                              Nature

Science                                                             Science

S&T                                                                   Sky & Telescope

MmRAS                                                             Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society

QJRAS                                                               Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society

JRASC                                                                Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

BAAS                                                                  Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society

IAU Circ.                                                              IAU Circulars

Astrophys. Lett.                                                 Astrophysics Letters

Astrophys. Space Phys. Res.                            Astrophysics Space Physics Research

Bull. Astron. Inst. Netherlands                         Bulletin of the Astronomical Institutes of the Netherlands

Fund. Cosmic Phys.                                             Fundamental Cosmic Physics

AIP Conf. Proc.                                                    American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings

ASP Conf. Ser.                                                     Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series

Ap&SSL Conf. Ser.                                              Astrophysics & Space Science Library Conference Series

Proc. SPIE                                                             Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering

MAPS                                                                    Meteoritics & Planetary Science

Planet. Space Sci.                                                Planetary Space Science

Space Sci. Rev.                                                     Space Science Reviews

Appl. Opt.                                                             Applied Optics

Sol. Phys.                                                              Solar Physics

Phys. Rev. A                                                          Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics

Phys. Rev. B                                                          Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics

Phys. Rev. C                                                          Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics

Phys. Rev. D                                                          Physical Review D: Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology

Phys. Rev. E                                                           Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics

Phys. Rev. Lett.                                                     Physical Review Letters

Rev. Mod. Phys.                                                    Reviews of Modern Physics

 For journals not on this list, find the abbreviations from the following websites:

Copyright Transfer Agreement
Upon acceptance of an article, the corresponding author will be asked to transfer the signed copyright form (Available at here) to the publisher on behalf of any and all co-authors. The authors must be warranted that are aware of and agree with all contents of the article and consent to their name appearing on it.

Conflict of Interest Conformation Form

Upon acceptance of an article, the corresponding author will be asked to transfer the signed conflict of interest conformation form (Available at here) to the publisher on behalf of any and all co-authors. The authors must be warranted that are aware of and agree with all contents of the article and consent to their name appearing on it.


There is no charge for submitting a paper to IJAA, and no page charges for the publication.

There are no publication fees to publish with this journal.

Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Online submission:
