Simultaneous sudden change in the exact values of geometric quantum discord and measurement induced nonlocality


1 Department of Physics, Faculty of Basic Sciences, University of Neyshabur

2 Department of Physics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, 91775-1436, Mashhad, Iran;


Recent studies show that two completely distinct fields as quantum information and string theory realization can be related and share some of the same properties. So, the knowledge on quantum information of some special quantum systems provides new insights on the sting theory. We analytically study geometric discord and measurement induced nonlocality for a Horodeckis' 33 bound entangled state to find quantum correlation. We find that there is a simultaneous sudden change point in the geometric discord and the measurement-induced nonlocality in the region of the bound entangled states, which is considerable. Moreover, we investigate the lower bound of geometric discord and the upper bound of measurement-induced nonlocality for this system. This study leads to some new and interesting novel results as well.


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