A Simpli fied Solution for Advection Dominated Accretion Flows with Outflow


Department of Physics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


The existence of outflow in the advection dominated accretion flows has been confirmed by both numerical simulations and observations. The outow models for ADAF have been investigated by several groups with a simple self similar solution. But this solution is inaccurate at the inner regions and can not explain the emitted spectrum of the flow; so, it is necessary to obtain a global solution for ADAFs with outflow. In this paper, we use a simplified global solution to study the structure of ADAF in the presence of outflow. In this method which is proposed by Yuan et al (2008, hereafter YMN08), the radial momentum equation is replaced by a simple algebraic relation between angular velocity and Keplerian angular velocity to avoid the difficulty of the calculation of global solution. We consider the radial dependence for mass accretion rate M =M out(r/rout)swhere s is a constant and we do not change the other dynamical equations. We investigate the variation of physical quantity of accretion flow which is caused by outflow. The results that we obtained comply with our expectations from the influence of outflow on the structure of accretion flow.


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