Behavior of Magnetohydrodynamic Waves in the Viscous Coronal Loops

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Physics, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran


Studying the dynamics of magnetic plasmas in the presence of pressure gradients, gravity, and Lorentz forces is essential for understanding wave generation and propagation in the solar atmosphere and other magnetic environments. Understanding the sudden increase in the temperature of the sun’s corona is one of the challenges for solar physicists. Various solar phenomena, including sunspots, spicules, and coronal loops, are explored within these environments. We consider them to be waveguides. These waveguides are interpreted as magnetic flux tubes, providing valuable information about wave properties. For study the dissipation in the magnetic flux tubes, two key damping mechanisms are: thermal conductivity, which transfers heat within the coronal plasma, and compressive viscosity, which reveals the plasma's resistance to pressure changes and deformation.The investigation of the dissipation of magnetohydrodynamic waves in hot coronal loops is carried out using a two-dimensional Cartesian model. The findings demonstrate that there is a decrease in pulse amplitude, and dissipation or damping manifests across distinct segments of the magnetic flux tube as time progresses. We find that the considered viscosity in our model can accelerate the wave damping in the coronal loop, which is in agreement with the results reported by Ofman & Wang (2022).


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