A Comparison Between Cool Chromospheric and Hot Coronal Jets

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Physics Department, Payame Noor University (PNU), 19395-3697-Tehran, I. R. of Iran

2 Physics department, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran


The similarities between Ca and x-ray jets suggest that their formation mechanism should be the same. Surges are almost cool plasma jets and are usually observed in Hα at ground-based observation, space observations also detect Surges. The structure and movement of the observed surges and jets necessitate a reconnection framework in which magnetic tension and the release of twisted energy contribute significantly. Convincing indications of reconnection are offered by whip-like movements, and the rotational behavior of the surges arises as an outcome of the relaxation of reestablished magnetic twist. The IRIS spectra spicules to determine one of the factors affecting the production and feeding of solar winds. Jets and spicules have been considered by examining several raster frames from the regions of the Sun. The characteristics of spicules, such as the rotational velocity of each spicule concerning the central axis of the spectrum , were computed using the output of the Doppler map. Then, using the Mg II spectrum simultaneously, Doppler maps for specific index samples were created at various speeds. Based on the results, a speed of 30 km/s was demonstrated.

Our investigation into spicules unveiled a distinctive type that deviates from prior observations regarding speed, angle, and direction of movement. These spicules appear to result from vortical movements, which could also contribute to the propagation of Alfvén rotational waves and the transfer of energy to the Sun's upper atmosphere. In this study, it is essential to recognize that rotating spicules represent minute structures observable in exceedingly high-resolution imaging.


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