Gott-Kaiser-Stebbins (GKS) effect in an accelerated expanding universe


Department of Physics, University of Qom, Qom, I. R. Iran;


Wewanttofindthecosmologicalconstantinfluenceoncosmicmicrowavebackground(CMB)temperatureduetomovinglinearcosmicstrings.Usingthespace-timemetricofalinearcosmicstringinanacceleratedexpandinguniverse,theGott-Kaiser Stebbins(GKS)eect,asanimportantmechanisminproducingtemperaturediscontinuityinthe(CMB),isconsidered;then,itsmodificationduetotheeectofthecosmologicalconstantiscalculated.Theresultshowsthatapositivecosmologicalconstant(i.e.thepresenceofcosmicstringsinanacceleratedexpandinguniverse)weakensthediscontinuityintemperaturesothatastrongerresolutionisneededtodetectthecorrespondinginfluencesontheCMBpowerspectrumandanisotropy.


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