Effect of the temperature profile of the accretion disk on the structure of jets and outflows around protostars


Department of Atomic and Molecular Physics, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran


Magnetic fields play an important role in creating, driving, and in the evolution of outflows and jets from protostars and accretion disks. On the other hand, the temperature profile of the accretion disks may also affect the structure of the magnetic field and outflows. In this paper, we use the self-similar method in cylindrical coordinates to investigate the effect of the temperature profile of the accretion disk (T r-1/2) in the formation of jets and outflows around protostars. The results show that in each specified angular momentum, there is a critical value for the ratio of the mass flux to the magnetic flux. For values less/larger than this critical value, taking into account the temperature profile in the disk results in a broadening/collimation of the jet, respectively. Outflows, on the other hand, are always broadened when accounting for the temperature profile of the disk.



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