Study of Solar Magnetic and Gravitational Energies Through the Virial Theorem


1 Research Institute for Astron. & Astrophys. of Maragha (RIAAM), 55134-441 Maraghe, Iran

2 Astrophysics Depart., Physics Faculty, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

3 Nice university, OCA-CNRS-Lagrange Depart., Av. Copernic, 06130 Grasse, France


Virial theorem is important for understanding stellar structures. It produces an interesting connection between magnetic and gravitational energies. Using the general form of the virial theorem including the magnetic field (toroidal magnetic field), we may explain the solar dynamo model in relation to variations of the magnetic and gravitational energies. We emphasize the role of the gravitational energy in sub-surface layers which has been certainly minored up to now. We also consider two types of solar outer shape (spherical and spheroidal) to study the behavior of magnetic and gravitational energies. The magnetic energy affects by the solar shape, while the gravitational energy is not changed by the considered shapes of the Sun.



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