Simulation of a Simple Wolter Telescope of Type I by Geant4 for Some Widely Used Materials

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Physics, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

2 Faculty of Physics ,Semnan University, Semnan, Iran


At the present work, the reflection of X-rays from surfaces composed of silicon, gold, iridium, and nickel is simulated in the range of E ≤ 5 keV energy for the two cases, which includes raw mirror surfaces and a typical Wolter-I optics-based X-ray telescope. We used Geant4 and a proper optical extension to use Geant4 as a general purpose X-ray tracing package. The reflectivity of the materials and the efficiency of the telescope for the materials have been obtained as a function of energy. Except for silicon, the efficiencies are close to each other for the materials. Of course, we generally see a larger value for nickel. Due to the importance of Wolter-I optics in the simulation of the X-ray telescopes and enhancement of the sensitivity of X-ray telescopes by increasing the reflectivity, the results of the present study have particular use in the manufacturing process of an X-ray telescope.


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